Welcome to the eSmart project. What is the eSmart project? eSmart is an innovative project that addresses Web 4.0 which is reshaping the business landscape.
Welcome to the eSmart project. What is the eSmart project? eSmart is an innovative project that addresses Web 4.0 which is reshaping the business landscape.
RFID tags are being used in a variety of businesses to assist & improve shopping experiences. Consumers are at the center of Web 4.0, putting them in the driver’s seat. Web 4.0’s future is expected to transform people’s daily lives. Web 4.0 will provide consumers unique and integrated social and personal lives by building interrelationships between people and machines. The Internet’s future will be defined by this open, connected, and intelligent interface. It’s a big open development field that’s just begging to be explored.
RFID tags are being used in a variety of businesses to assist & improve shopping experiences. Consumers are at the center of Web 4.0, putting them in the driver’s seat. Web 4.0’s future is expected to transform people’s daily lives. Web 4.0 will provide consumers unique and integrated social and personal lives by building interrelationships between people and machines. The Internet’s future will be defined by this open, connected, and intelligent interface. It’s a big open development field that’s just begging to be explored.
The eSmart project provides a curriculum for young digital entrepreneurs that can be fully completed on a smartphone as well as offers an Inservice training programme for VET tutors.
The eSmart project provides a curriculum for young digital entrepreneurs that can be fully completed on a smartphone as well as offers an Inservice training programme for VET tutors.
eSmart will design and produce a bespoke, targeted entrepreneurship curriculum for young digital natives embarking on a career in the CCI sector as Web 4.0 entrepreneurs. Partners will use a combination of interactive infographics and EduZines to present this curriculum to potential learners. The EntreComp Framework will be used as a benchmark for developing the curriculum and all 15 competences in the EntreComp framework will be addressed throughout the
course of the eSmart project.
eSmart will design and produce a bespoke, targeted entrepreneurship curriculum for young digital natives embarking on a career in the CCI sector as Web 4.0 entrepreneurs. Partners will use a combination of interactive infographics and EduZines to present this curriculum to potential learners. The EntreComp Framework will be used as a benchmark for developing the curriculum and all 15 competences in the EntreComp framework will be addressed
Throughout the course of the eSmart project, project partners from Austria, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland, Cyprus and Portugal will provide essential in-service training for VET tutors to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the symbiotic Internet and its potential for new business start-ups.
Throughout the course of the eSmart project, project partners from Austria, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland, Cyprus and Portugal will provide essential in-service training for VET tutors to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the symbiotic Internet and its potential for new business start-ups.
Throughout the course of the eSmart project, partner organisations from Austria, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland, Cyprus and Portugal will provide essential in-service training for VET tutors to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the symbiotic Internet and its potential for new business start-ups.
Throughout the course of the eSmart project, partner organisations from Austria, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland, Cyprus and Portugal will provide essential in-service training for VET tutors to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the symbiotic Internet and its potential for new business start-ups.
The eSmart project – addresses how to
To achieve these objectives the eSmart partners are collaborating throughout the term of the project to produce the following innovative learning materials:
eSmart will provide a comprehensive in-service training programme for VET tutors comprising 2 distinct parts.
Eduzines are bespoke learning environments build specifically for use on smartphones, each eduzine will address a different competence outlined in the EntreComp Framework.
There is a considerable generation gap between digital native entrepreneurs and their financial counterparts. For this reason, eSmart will provide bespoke training resources to enable nascent digital native creative entrepreneurs to present their business idea or proposition in a manner that meets the requirements of the financial services sector.
This learning platform provides entrepreneurs with open access to all the resources developed, and will act as a place where entrepreneurs can benefit from exchanging and learning from each others experiences.
The eSmart project – addresses how to
To achieve these objectives the eSmart partners are collaborating throughout the term of the project to produce the following innovative learning materials:
eSmart will provide a comprehensive in-service training programme for VET tutors comprising 2 distinct parts.
Eduzines are bespoke learning environments build specifically for use on smartphones, each eduzine will address a different competence outlined in the EntreComp Framework.
There is a considerable generation gap between digital native entrepreneurs and their financial counterparts. For this reason, eSmart will provide bespoke training resources to enable nascent digital native creative entrepreneurs to present their business idea or proposition in a manner that meets the requirements of the financial services sector.
This learning platform provides entrepreneurs with open access to all the resources developed, and will act as a place where entrepreneurs can benefit from exchanging and learning from each others experiences.
To get involved and support our project, please find and follow us on Facebook at:
To get involved and support our project, please find and follow us on Facebook at:
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 2020-1-AT01-KA226-VET-092394
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 2020-1-AT01-KA226-VET-092394